Our Liberation War essay for class 12,class 10 composition for Our Liberation War,Our Liberation War essay class 8,Our Liberation War essay for class 10

Our Liberation War essay for class 12,class 10 composition for Our Liberation War,Our Liberation War essay class 8,Our Liberation War essay for class
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বিষয়: Write a composition on ‘The Liberation War of Bangladesh’, Short composition on The Liberation War of Bangladesh, Write a essay on ‘The Liberation War of Bangladesh’, Short essay on The Liberation War of Bangladesh,article on The Liberation War of Bangladesh, The Liberation War of Bangladesh Essay

Write A composition The Liberation War of Bangladesh/ our Liberation War/ The Independence War: 01

Introduction: The war of independence is a glorious period in the history of our country. The war was fought against the Pakistan army in 1971. Through this war Bangladesh independent country. It was also a war of supreme sacrifice . About three million people died in this war. Most of them died in the genocide carried out by the Pakistani army.

Historical Background: The boundaries of East Pakistan, which later became Bangladesh, were determined by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, chairman of the Boundary Commission of the British regime. The two parts of Pakistan- East Pakistan and West Pakistan were far away from each other. From the beginning, the link between the two parts of Pakistan was tenuous. Their only common interest was fear of Indian domination. Jinnah and his advisers believed that unification might be achieved through a common language, Urdu.


The Bengalis perceived (47574 Posted; 09108 করে) this as a threat. The other major grievance of Bengalis was that their export products, jute, and tea, provided most of Pakistan’s foreign exchange but the central government stimulated development mainly in the West. , The Bengalis began to feel that they had no real power in Pakistan. In 1956 Pakistan, at last, obtained a proper constitution in which both wings were equally represented So far prime ministers had come and gone. Suhrawardy took office in September 1956 with a motley group of supporters. The government lasted only one year. In 1958, the army took over the government.

আরো ও সাজেশন:-

Under the military the elite civil servants assumed great importance, which adversely affected the East wing. In 1947 there had been only one Bengali Muslim in the Indian Civil Service , whereas the West wing had produced about 40. Although recruitment policy was designed to diminish the difference , by 1960 only about one third of the personnel in the Civil Service of Pakistan (successor to the ICS) were Bengalis, with none in senior positions.


Bengali discontent festered , finding a spokesman in Mujibur Rahman (known as Sheikh Mujib). Mujib was one of the founders of the Awami League in 1949 and, after Suhrawardy’s death, became its leading figure. Jailed repeatedly by the military, he acquired an aura of martyrdom. He announced a six-point demand for autonomy .

When in December 1970 President Yahya Khan ordered elections, the Awami League won 167 of the 169 seats allotted to East Pakistan, or Bangladesh as it was now popularly called, in the National Assembly. This gave the League an overall majority in a chamber of 313 members. In West Pakistan, however, the Pakistan People’s Party, led by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, won 81 of 144 seats; Bhutto saw himself as Mujib’s rival.

Write A composition The Liberation War of Bangladesh/ our Liberation War/ The Independence War: 02

Introduction : The Bangladesh Liberation War was a war of independence during 1971, which resulted in the secession in the secession of East Pakistan from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and established the sovereign nation of Bangladesh. The was pitter East Pakistan and India against West Pakistan and lasted over a duration of nine months. It was one of the most violent wars of the 20th century, which witnessed large-scale atrocities, the exodus of 10 million refugees and the displacement of 30 million people.

The War broke out on March 26, 1971, when the Pakistan Army launched militancy operations against Bangali civilians, students, intelligentsia and armed personnel. In response, the declaration of Bangladesh independence was proclaimed by the father of Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. India entered the war on December 3, 1971, after Pakistan launched pre-emptive airstrikes on northern India. Overwhelmed by two war fronts, Pakistani defenses soon collapsed. On December 16, the Allied Forces of Bangladesh and India defeated Pakistan in the east.

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Operation Searchlight : A planned military invasion carried out by Pakistan Army codenamed ‘Operation Searchlight’ started on 26 March and the diminishing all opposition, political or military within one month. On the night of 25 March, Bengali Members of military service were disarmed and killed, students and the intelligentsia were systematically liquidated and able-bodied Bengali males were just picked up and gunned down.


Declaration of independence : The violence unleashed by the Pakistani forces on 25 March 1971, proved the last straw to the efforts to negotiate a settlement. Following their outrages, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh.

Conclusion : On December 16, 1971, Dhaka fell to the Mitro Bahini, the elite of the Mukti Bahini and the Indian Army. An ‘Instrument of surrender’ was signed by the defeated Pakistani General Niazi and by Indian Commander General Aurora. This is now Bangladesh which became liberated and independent. December 16 is recognized as the Victory Day in Bangladesh, while March 26 is recognized as the independence Day with sovereignty, Bangladesh is progressing in all aspects

Write A composition The Liberation War of Bangladesh/ our Liberation War/ The Independence War: 03

Freedom is the eternal desire of man. The spirit of revolution emerges from this desire. And this very spirit inspires man to achieve his freedom. We are the inhabitants of the independent Bangladesh. But it was not free in the past. Bangladesh lost her independence in the different phases of history. At last, the people of Bangladesh became free in 1971 from the Pakistani Rulers after fierce fighting. This was started on 26 March 1971 and continued till on 16 December 1971. So, Liberation War is a memorable event in our national life.

At first, Bangladesh lost her freedom in 1757 in the Battle of Passey. After passing 200 years, the people of Indo-Pak subcontinent became free in 1947 from the British reign. This subcontinent was then divided into two parts – India and Pakistan. Pakistan became independent on 14 August and India on 15 August.

However, our Bangladesh was under the government of Pakistan. Then it was known as East Pakistan. The mother-tongue of East Pakistan was Bangla. But the rulers of West Pakistan wanted to establish Urdu as the state language. The Bangalees could not tolerate it. In 1952, the Language Movement took place. The Bangalees continued their revolutionary activities by sacrificing their lives to acquire the right to speak in their mother tongue. The people of Bangladesh became successful. Again, the West Pakistani rulers wanted to violate the rule of democracy of the then East Pakistan.

In 1958, Ayub Khan promulgated Martial Law in East Bengal. At that time. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest leader of Bangladesh raised his six points against the undemocratic and oppressive rule of Ayub Khan which shook his throne.

Honors & Degree, HSC, SSC, JSC Suggestion

[ বি:দ্র: নমুনা উত্তর দাতা: রাকিব হোসেন সজল ©সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত (বাংলা নিউজ এক্সপ্রেস)]

Honors & Degree, HSC, SSC, JSC Suggestion

In the Election of 1970, the Awami League won absolute majority and had the legal right to form the government. The Pakistani rulers then changed their mood and started discussion with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his party. But secretly, they began to conspire to perish the Bangalee nationalism. Yahia Khan postponed the National Assembly meet on March 1, 1971. It was to meet on March 3, 1971. Hearing the news, the people of Bangladesh burst into tremendous rebellion. On 7 March 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered his speech addressing the people of Bangladesh which worked as a source of inspiration to the unarmed people of the then East Pakistan. On 26 March 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh.


On 10 April 1971, at Mujibnagar the temporary government of Bangladesh was formed. The Mukti Bahini and the Indian Forces jointly began to fight against the Pak army under the guidance of the temporary government. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was selected as the President of the government.

The Pak army attacked the innocent people of Bangladesh on the dark night of 25 March 1971. They killed Bangalees, destroyed their houses, looted their property and tortured the women and girls barbarously. The war continued up to 16 December. During that time, a large number of intellectuals, doctors, journalists were killed by the brute army of Pakistan.

The Pakistan army tried their best to capture the whole Bangladesh but the freedom fighters, as well as the Indian forces, defeated them on land, water and in the air. Urged by patriotism, our freedom fighters showed their bravery by acquiring victory. At last, the brute army was compelled to surrender on the 16 December 1971.

Bangladesh achieved her independence at the cost of 30 lakh people. Now, it is our sacred duty to make the Liberation War meaningful by realizing its importance in our national life.

এখানে সকল প্রকাশ শিক্ষা বিষয় তথ্য ও সাজেশন পেতে আমাদের সাথে থাকুন ।

প্রশ্ন ও মতামত জানাতে পারেন আমাদের কে ইমেল : info@banglanewsexpress.com

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