Now draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school

Now draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school
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Now draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school

Suppose stranger talks with you and he does not know where your school is. The person asks you to give direction. You both are standing in front of your home.

Now draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school.

উত্তর সমূহ:

Stranger: Excuse me, do you have a moment?

Me: Hello. Yes, what do you need?

Stranger: I need some assistance. Do you go to x school?

Me: Yes, I do. How can I help you?

Stranger: I am trying to go to school, but I am lost. Can you help me by telling me the directions to go to the school from here?

Me: Of course. The school is not too far away from here. From here, you must follow this road and go straight and then make a left turn. And then you will find a cross-road.

Stranger: And after I reach the cross-road, where should I go?


Me: You should then take a right turn and keep going in that direction. If you come across a lake, you will know you have gone too far. Make a U-turn and start looking for school again.

Stranger: All right, thank you so much for your help. You explained it very clearly. I will be on my way then.

Me: You are welcome. It was not a problem at all.

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